
Services Offered By Us

“A person who won’t read has no advantage over a person who can’t read.”

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Find the suitable schools and in your preferred locations

Students’ visa for primary and secondary school students to Australia, UK and New Zealand. We will find the suitable schools and in your preferred locations and apply for a student visa or you can use the alternative methods as you prefer.

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Finding suitable accommodation and part time jobs and CV preparation

Students for Diploma, Degree and Postgraduate courses in the nominated countries. Deciding and applying for a student visa is not an easy talk. It has a long and arduous process.

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Find a suitable business for you to buy according to your needs and the budget

Potential Business buyers to find suitable businesses in overseas countries to apply for Business visas. Many Investors in overseas countries prefer to find a suitable business to buy to apply for a business visa. Chinese, Korean, Indian and Sri Lankan clients are most welcome.

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Sourcing suitable employment for the potential applicants in the Health care sector

Many jobs are found in the Healthcare sector now in overseas countries. We are associated with ‘Green Horizons Consultants’ in Australia to help potential applicants to help you.

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Consultancy relevant to student visa with assistance packages

Potential applicants' needs are different as we cater to all of them. Some will require help only with the documentation and guidance only for which we happily help. Some will require help only once they have arrived in the overseas country. (Some countries only)

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IELTS classes offered online

IELTS classes offered online for overseas students with various packages available. These classes are offered within Sri Lanka and from overseas.

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Offering subjects by qualified teachers

Our qualified teachers in New Zealand and Australia would also Science / Maths / Maths Methods / Specialist Maths / General Maths (from New Zealand) and Science / Maths / Biology / Chemistry are offered in Brisbane Australia by a licence teacher.

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Offering Tutoring for High School entrance exams

We also offer Tutoring for High School entrance exams for primary school students in Queensland, Australia. (Brisbane only)